Best Practices for Personal Excellence

Adopting 100 Best Practices

Successful people have a certain type of personality. Successful people think in a particular way, talk in a particular way and act in a particular way. This way of thinking, talking and acting can be learned and developed by anyone who chooses to be successful, including you!

And the longer you put it off, the more you will fall behind those who are committed to being successful. By adopting some of the Best Practices of successful people, you will become one of them by learning how to:

Be Stronger and Live Longer - Fitness Best Practice suggest that fitness will help to strengthen our muscles, sharpen our mind, and improve our creativity and productivity. Fitness is everything from proper sleep to proper nutrition; from stress reduction to weight reduction, and from flexibility to balance and relaxation.

Be Creative and Feel Abundant - Visualization Best Practices suggest that we can use our imagination to see yourselves in a situation that hasn't yet happened. Visualization is picturing ourselves having or doing the things we want, and successfully achieving the results we desire.

Master Your Attitude and Be Prepared - Persistence Best Practices suggest that we have the ability to maintain action regardless of our feelings. This means doing what we have to do to reach our goals, regardless of our emotional state and the circumstances that we are facing.

Be Compassionate and Be a Good Friend - Kindness Best Practices suggest that kindness is one of the highest modalities of human behaviour. One of the greatest feelings in the world is the feeling of kindness that one receives when one gives to another, selflessly, so as to enhance another person's life experience.

Trust in Yourself and Think Like a Genius - Intuition Best Practices suggest that every person has a creative and sensitive mind that is able to perceive the invisible through hunches about future possibilities. Intuition is the ability to know things without the barriers of time, space, or any other obstruction.

Focus on Your Goal and Attract Abundance - Attraction Best Practices suggest that we will attract to ourselves whatever we give our focus, attention, and energy to, whether it is positive or negative. "What we focus on expands" is the result of taking action for attracting the results we want. Another way to say this is "Energy flows where attention goes."

Lead by Example and Be Proactive - Management Best Practices suggest that we can live in a better world if we manage our needs in harmony with nature. Avoiding processed food will reduce waste, save time and money, and protect our environment at the same time. Also, choosing locally produced food reduces the need to move and transport large amounts of unneeded food around the world and therefore reduces pollution.

After having great results with this collection of 100 Best Practices, we reasoned, "If we have produced big profits for ourselves, we should be able to help our clients do the same". To this end we have spent almost several years refining and testing some of the best practices for fitness and prosperity to create an amazing and empowering program that we call The Core Challenge.

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The Pursuit of fitness

I am confident that this fitness contest will help you transform your body and improve your life in every aspect. As a personal coach, having had the opportunity to help many people, I have learned that planning and recording your daily activities is the most important task you can do to ensure your success in any project.

The Core Challenge will help you learn and adopt the 100 Best Practices of Highly Successful People. We will keep you motivated and guide you through the next 100 days.

Ron Seigel
Director of Corporate Social Responsibility
OK Initiatives, Inc.

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Copyright 2012

Core Training - Core Salsa - Postura Bookrest - MasterQuotes

Mastermoves Core Training System -- OK Initiatives, Inc - 1996 - 2012