Fitness Best Practices

“Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.”
John F. Kennedy (1917-1963)

Fitness Best Practices can be defined as the most efficient (least amount of effort) and effective (best results) way of achieving optimal fitness. This is based on procedures that have been proven to work for large numbers of people. Fitness Best Practices recognizes that your immune system, nervous system and your endocrine system all start to fail if you do not keep your mental and physical energy at optimal levels. Fitness Best Practices is a natural way to enhance the power of your mind and body.

Do you have the knowledge to get in shape and stay fit?

Read the following Fitness Best Practices and answer the questions given below:

Physical fitness is generally achieved through exercise, correct nutrition and enough rest.

Physical fitness is considered a measure of the body's ability to function efficiently and effectively in work and leisure activities.

Fitness is the ability to be healthy, to resist diseases, and to perform daily activities with efficiency.

Specific or task-oriented fitness is a person's ability to perform in a specific activity with a reasonable efficiency: for example, sports or military service.

Fitness is the state of flourishing, thriving, success, or good health. Fitness often encompasses wealth and happiness.

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1: Which of the following sentences is true? Explain why?

A- Fitness is the body's ability to function efficiently.
B- Fitness is measure by the health of our society.
C- Fitness is about portion sizes and what we're eating.
D- Fitness includes the beauty of the mind and body.


2: Which of the following sentences is false? Explain why?

A- Fitness is the result of the quality of our education.
B- Fitness is the strength to meet emergency situations.
C- Fitness is an indication of the joy of our lives.
D- Fitness is the ability to be healthy, to resist diseases

3: Which of the following sentences your like the most? Why:

A- Fitness is required for service in virtually all military forces.
B- Fitness is the result of the strength of our minds
C- Physical fitness is achieved through exercise.
D- Fitness is the intelligence and the integrity of our society.

4: Which of the following sentence you dislike the most? Why:

A- Fitness is the result of correct nutrition, rest and activity.
B- Fitness alone does not make for a happy and successful society.
C- Fitness is produced by democracy and freedom.
D- Fitness is measured by that which makes life worthwhile.






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