If you do not keep your mental and physical energy at optimal levels, your body begins to age prematurely and your ability to think, be productive and carry through with your goals crumbles. Fitness is, therefore, at the core of your ability to manage the energy required to reach your personal goals.

The Core Challenge will help you restore and maintain your optimal fitness level of energy based on five Core Fitness Pillars:

1. Core Hydration
2. Core Hygiene
3. Core Nutrition
4. Core Training
5. Core Energy

These five Core Fitness Pillars focus on the core or "trunk" of your body because that is where the foundation of fitness sits. Internally, your spine, nervous system, and vital organs such as the liver, kidneys, stomach and intestines exist in the core. Externally, the muscular tissue that holds your body together, such as your obliques, abdominals and lower back muscles, exist primarily in the core.

To successfully train your core muscles, they should be challenged in a variety of ways which include relaxation, balance, flexibility and the integration of circular movements (hip rotation). All of these techniques are found in the Master Moves system. Using circular movements, like dancing, core training stimulates your internal organs by the compression and elongation of your core muscles.

Core Hydration:
An estimated 75% of North Americans are chronically dehydrated. Most do not even manage to consume the minimum required eight glasses of water per day. Water is your body's principal chemical component comprising approximately 60% of your body weight. Every system in your body depends on water. Water flushes toxins out of vital organs and carries nutrients to your cells.

Core Hygiene:
Core Hygiene focuses on caring for your skin. All part of your external body such as your hair, nails, eyes, ears, genitals, teeth, and gums are extensions of your skin. Your skin makes up 12% to 15% of your total body weight. Your skin also offers a valuable reflection of what is going on inside of your body. One of the most effective ways of protecting ourselves from illness is maintaining healthy skin. Skin provides your first line of defense against the outside world. So reducing the threat of bacteria that constantly reside on the body will, in turn, reduce illness.

Core Nutrition:
What you eat, how you eat, and how much you eat is essential for building your core muscles. Every minute of your life, your body replaces more than 200 million dead cells. If you eat junk food, your body in incapable of replacing the dead cells.
Core Nutrition is not a diet. Trendy and restrictive diets interfere with good health and optimum weight, which is better achieved through a regular good eating plan such as Core Nutrition. Most conventional dieting causes weight to be lost from muscle and not fat; the result is an unbalanced lean muscle to fat ratio and a weak, shapeless body. Core Nutrition is the practice of eating natural foods to produce optional levels of mental and physical energy.

Core Energy:

Core Energy is based on the integration of physical, mental and spiritual energy. Many doctors are aware that spiritual, mental and emotional factors play a major role in illness and health but their training has emphasized the physical and they often do not know how to address spiritual or emotional energy. Mental and spiritual energy resonates with life experiences such as personal and professional relationships, and becomes encoded in the cell tissue of your body.

Core Exercise:
The energy of your body will not be free-flowing if your physical body does not provide the foundation to channel your energy. When movement originates from your core muscles, pressure changes occur in the core muscles that assist the circulation of blood and lymphatic fluids throughout the body. At the same time, the spinal column is realigned, and your internal organs are massaged and placed back into the ideal position. Your core is responsible for flexing your body forward and sideways, rotating it side-to-side, spine extension, as well as torso and pelvic stabilization.


The Core Challenge includes The Coins for Kindness program for helping you feel good about yourself and give back to your community. By helping people achieve a healthier and happier life, we are also helping the world become a better place to live.

Since 1999 Master Moves has been tested and enhanced to become the most effective and easiest Core Training system for people of any age of body type. As a result, we created a holistic fitness system based on five fundamental pillars to sustain health and fitness.





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Mastermoves Core Training System -- OK Initiativesn, Inc - 1996 - 2012